Dr. Kadek Wara Urwasi's Dissertation Successf...
17 April 2024
On 14 December 2022, MoU and PKS signing event with the Rector of Universitas Islam International Indonesia (UIII), Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat and the Chairman of ISRSF, Irfan Hutagalung, both signing the cooperation agreement to establish IFAR UIII, supported by ISRSF.
On 14 December 2022, ISRSF and Indonesia International Islamic University or Universitas Islam International Indonesia (UIII) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement or Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) to establish the Institute for Advanced Research (IFAR) UIII. The MoU and PKS signing was conducted by Irfan Hutagalung and Ethika Fitriani representing ISRSF, and the leadership of UIII, namely the Rector of UIII, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, and Vice Rector, Prof. Jamhari.
The event was attended by Prof. Jeffrey Winters, Prof. Jonathan Pincus, Poengky Indarti, and recipients of the Arryman Scholarship attending online as well as UIII officials.
In his opening remarks, the Rector of UIII, Prof. Komaruddin Hidayat, conveyed how proud he was to launch UIII’s Institute for Advanced Research (IFAR) in order to create UIII as university with international standards, including by partnering with ISRSF and other top universities.
“We hope the launching of IFAR UIII can make Indonesian academics, especially in UIII, visible at the global level by advancing research and higher education in Indonesia, added Prof. Komarudin”.
Similar to UIII’s Rector, the Chairman of ISRSF, Irfan Hutagalung, said that it was an honor for ISRSF to work together with UIII by launching IFAR at this university to promote innovation at the university, making it conducive for world-class academic work in social science and public policy in Indonesia to emerge.
After signing and exchanging the manuscript of the MoU and PKS, UIII has officially become a member of the consortium of the Institutes for Advanced Research (IFAR).