blog post

Arryman Symposium 2015 (Media)

Kompas and Koran Jakarta , 25 June 2015

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The 2015 ISRSF Arryman Fellows Symposium

ISRSF proudly present the 2015 Arryman Fellow Symposium on the 24th June 2015 at the Ford Foundati...

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ISRSF Discussion at @AMERICA

In 19 June 2015, ISRSF held a discussion at @america, Pacific Place Mall, South Jakarta. The agenda...

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Diskusi Publik bersama Walikota Bogor

Diskusi Publik bersama Walikota Bogor {{ galleries:images slug="discbgr" }} {{/galleries:images...

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Arryman Symposium 2015 – Evanston

The three 2014 Arryman Fellows whose are Kadek Wara Urwasi, Sabina Satriyani Puspita and Yoes Chandr...

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Congratulation 2015 Arryman Fellows Winner

By the end of March 2015, the selection committee of Arryman Fellows has made an announcement for th...